Unable to edit the personal details information in Bigpond Email Account.
Sometimes the users might face issues regarding editing personal details in their Bigpond email account. To resolve the issues here we mention some steps to be followed:
Verify account information: The users have to
check their login credentials before entering for their Bigpond email account.
The users must be sure that the information which they are trying to edit is
associated with the correct account.
Browser Compatibility: Sometimes using a
different web browser will be the best method to access for account settings.
Most of the time the functionality of certain features can be affected by
browser compatibility.
Use Incognito/Private Browsing mode: Sometimes
using a different web browser also won’t work, try to access the account
settings through incognito or private browsing window. This method will help
users rule out any issues related to cache and cookies.
Update Browser: The browsers which the users
are using should be up to date. Outdated browsers may have compatibility issues
with most of the websites.
Account security: The users must make sure that
the two factor authentications are set up accurately on their Bigpond account.
If the steps mentioned above won’t work then I suggest
getting in contact with Bigpond Customer care for the detailed information
regarding the issues that they are facing.
More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-care-australia/
More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-support-australia/
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