Bigpond hacked account

 Although having your Bigpond email account compromised can be frightening and unsettling, there are steps you can take to regain control and limit further harm. To avoid the hacker from getting into your account again, first, reset your password right away. Select a secure password with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Change the passwords on any further accounts that make use of the same password. If users are not sure about the process of how to do so, kindly contact with Technical Support Number.

Next, make sure your recovery email address and phone number are current by checking your account settings. If your account is hacked again in the future, this will guarantee that you can quickly regain access to it. To determine whether any sensitive information has been compromised, it's also crucial to review your email inbox and sent messages. Do not open any attachments or click on any links in any questionable emails you may have received.

Finally, report the hack to the Bigpond Customer Support staff and ask for help securing your account. To stop future hacks, they can advise you to turn on two-factor authentication or other security measures. Also, all the necessary procedures will be provided to users on how to make changes to their accounts.

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