Bigpond Email Server Settings

 Bigpond has an extensive and reliable email system, which has been built for the demands of business customers. One of the most important, yet overlooked, aspects of any Mail Server is the settings. It can be easy to just leave it all on default but this means that you've potentially left your server open to security risks and spam emails. Therefore, it's worth taking a few minutes out of your busy schedule to go through these few quick steps and make sure everything is configured correctly.

Guide to Bigpond Email Server Settings

If you are a Bigpond user then you must be looking for Steps to change bigpond email server settings in outlook? First, sign in to your Bigpond account and click "Manage My Email". From there, look for "Server Settings" on the left-hand side of your screen. Clicking it will take you to a screen where all of your currently configured settings are displayed. Now, here you need to adjust separate settings for both incoming and outgoing servers.

Incoming Server

Server - IMAP

Security - TLS/SSL

Port - 993

Username & Password - Your complete email & password

Outgoing Server

Server - SMTP

Security - TLS/SSL

Port - 465

Username & Password - Your complete email & password


Now you are all configured, make sure that you restart your email program and check whether it is working smoothly. If at any point you encounter any issues, you can always contact the Bigpond Customer Care Number staff of Telstra services.


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