Bigpond Blocking Issue

 Bigpond email is a service that has been providing with best and most effective communication service for many years. Due to Bigpond email users are able to easily connect with people around the world and can arrange many useful things from their email accounts. As for now in the latest version of Bigpond email, the user can arrange the email contact as per the user's requirement. If a user wants to notify any particular user or doesn’t want to see their emails then Bigpond has arranged various systems to work out for users. To learn about more other features on Bigpond email kindly connect with Technical Support Number.

As we were talking about the customization of the user's email contact detail. Users have accessed the service for Blocking contact on their accounts. But some of the users had a problem blocking their accounts, the received email is saved directly in the Bin folder. Due to that user is not able to notify when the email was received, and in the Bin folder, the email is stored for only 30 days. After that, the email is deleted. To learn about the email blocking issue in detail we suggest user connect with Bigpond Customer Support Service.

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